Julián López Richart
Associate Professor of Civil Law
Director of the Law and New Technologies research group at the University of Alicante
(+34) 965 90 97 10 | julian@ua.es
Llanos Cabedo Serna
Senior Lecturer of Civil Law
Vice Dean of the Law School of the University of Alicante
(+34) 965 90 34 00 x 3308 | llanos.cabedo@ua.es
Manuel Desantes Real
Professor of Private International Law
Former Vice-President of the European Patent Office
(+34) 965 90 99 37 | manuel.desantes@ua.es
Raquel Evangelio Llorca
Associate Professor of Civil Law
Director of the Ibero-American Chair on Digital Culture and Intellectual Property
(+34) 965 90 34 00 x 2241 | r.evangelio@ua.es
Carmen Juanatey Dorado
Professor of Criminal Law
Director of the Criminal Policy Studies, Criminal Law and Criminology research group at the University of Alicante
(+34) 965 90 34 00 x 3818 | carmen.juanatey@ua.es
Aurelio López-Tarruella Martínez
Associate Professor of Private International Law
Director of the Academic Chair for the Responsible Development of the Metaverse
(+34) 965 90 96 10 | aurelio.lopez@ua.es
Rubén Martínez Gutiérrez
Associate Professor of Administrative Law
Data protection Officer at the University of Alicante
(+34) 965 90 34 00 x 2266 | ruben.martinez@ua.es
Luís Moreno Izquierdo
Associate Professor of Applied Economic Analysis
Director of the Economics of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence Research Group (ECO-IA) at the University of Alicante
(+34) 965 90 97 59 | luis.moreno@ua.es
Elena Bonet Verdú
General Foundation of the Universidad de Alicante
Business School
(+34) 965 90 94 48 | elena.bonet@ua.es
University of Alicante General Foundation
(+ 34) 965 90 94 48
Business School. Germán Bernácer building, 1st floor
Monday to Friday from 9h to 14h. and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday also from 16h to 18h.